Unigroup is a Not-for-Profit Professional Technical Organization and Unix User Group.
Unigroup holds regular meetings discussing/presenting topics related to the Unix/Linux/BSD Operating Systems, Operating Environments and User Communities. Most Unigroup meetings are open to the public.
Unigroup members pay a yearly membership fee. For Unigroup members, there is usually no additional charges (ie. no meeting fees) during their membership year.
Non-members who wish to attend Unigroup meetings are usually required to pay a "Single Meeting Fee".
NOTE: Simply receiving Unigroup Email Announcements does NOT indicate membership in Unigroup.
! Students: We are looking for proof that you are currently enrolled in classes (rather than working full-time), and as such, your Student ID should show a CURRENT date. We have been presented Student IDs containing NO dates whatsoever, and in the current environment, perpetual/non-expiring access to university facilities just does not feel right. If your ID contains no date, please bring additional proof of current enrollment. Thanks.
The food and soft drinks at Unigroup meetings are complimentary for all of our meeting attendees.
Webmaster (unilist